Mārie te pō, tapu te pō (MAORI)

Mārie te pō, tapu te pō,
Marino, marama,
Ko te Whāea, me te Tama,
Tama tino, tapu rā,
Moe mai i te aio,
Moe mai i te aio.

Mārie te pō, tapu te pō,
Ka kite ngā hēpara,
Te korōria o te rangi,
Mē ngā ahera Hareruia,
Kua whānau te tamaiti,
E Ihu te Karaiti.

Back translation:

Peaceful night, holy night, 
calm and bright. 
See the mother and the baby boy 
the Son so holy there 
Sleeping peacefully, 
Sleeping peacefully. 

Peaceful night, holy night. 
Shepherds behold 
the glory in the sky 
and angels sing 'Halleluiah.' 
For the child that has been born.

Hanga te po (MAORI)

Hanga te po
Tapu te po
Marino marama
Ko te whaea me te Tama
Moe mai te marie
Moe mai te marie

Submitted by: Lauren ? and Kara Oosterman

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