1. Se’leg Nuecht! Hélleg Nuecht!
Alles ro’t, ’t haelt bloss Wuecht
bei der Kroeppchen dat héllegt Pur!
Gottesson, fir ons Moensche gebur.
Schlof, du friddlech a se’ss!
Schlof, du friddlech a se’ss!

2. Se’leg Nuecht! Hélleg Nuecht!
D’Engle gi fro’ drop uecht,
datt dem Koennchen kë Lëd widderfirt
a si fe’ern bei d’Kroeppchen d’arm Hirt.
Fridden a Fréd stemt d’Wélt!
Fridden a Fréd stemt d’Wélt!

3. Se’leg Nuecht! Hélleg Nuecht!
E’ert Gott, dén erduecht
dat gro’sst Wonner aus Le’ft fir seng Wélt.
Gudde Woellen dem Himmel gefaellt.
Da foenns du, Moenschhét, de Fridd!
Da foenns du, Moenschhét, de Fridd!

1. Blessed night! Holy night!
All is calm, just the holy couple
is keeping gaurd at the manger!
Son of God, born for us men.
Sleep, peaceful and sweet!
Sleep, peaceful and sweet!

2. Blessed night! Holy night!
The angles are taking care with joy
that no harm happens to the child
and lead the poor sheperds to the manger
Peace and joy stimulate the world!
Peace and joy stimulate the world!

3. Blessed night! Holy night!
Praise God who devised
the great wonder for love to the world.
Good will please the heaven...
Man, you will find peace!
Man, you will find peace!

Submitted by: Alexander Krischnig

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